Tag Archives: Nicolas Cage

Gone in 60 Seconds, DVD

Gone in 60 Seconds, 2000

Eleanor, oh Eleanor, do you come in orange?

This film is great!  It has action, hot cars, excitement, and feeling.  Nicolas Cage plays Randall a legendary car booster that comes out of retirement to save his brother.  Angelina Jolie plays the love interest, but she is secondary to these beautiful, fast cars.

The excitement is multiplied by the deadline:  50 cars in 3 days, with a 1 night boost, impossible, or is it.

Yes, watch this movie.

5/5 for a great story, a believable love story, a ton of gorgeous cars, a great cast, a reason to care, and a great ending.

To find out more go to IMDB.

Gone in 60 Seconds sketch
Gone in 60 Seconds sketch