Markham Merlot

Markham Merlot

I thought I had grabbed my last Pinot when I started drinking this Merlot.  It tasted a lot more like a Merlot than a Pinot.  It took me three days to realize it actually was a Merlot.

This Merlot has a slight dry taste, but doesn’t make you thirsty at all.  It pairs perfectly with red meat.  You want to eat it with a meal.

Markham Merlot 13

I really enjoyed this wine.  I only drank one glass at a time so I do not know the consequences of multiple glasses.  Based on the taste and feeling of one glass I would assume more would not be any issue.

This is a nice relaxing wine.  It has a perfect Merlot taste.  It is a well done.  Despite the slight dryness there are really no negatives about this wine.

I would definitively serve this at dinner.  In fact I think it is a great idea if steak is on the menu.

I would give this wine a 4/5.